Hope: United Arab Emirates space project launches to find answers to why Mars turned from an Earth-like planet into a barren expanse

The H-2A rocket carrying the United Arab Emirates spacecraft nicknamed Hope, launched from the Tanegashima space base on Monday (20/07) morning local time.

The first space mission of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) officially began with the launch of the H-2A rocket at the Tanegashima space base, Japan, Monday (20/07) local time.

The 500 million kilometer trip to study the weather and climate of Mars finally launched after two preparations last week were canceled due to bad weather.

The team of scientists was led by Sarah Al Amiri, who is also the UAE minister of research and technology.

The woman expressed her joy and relief when she saw the rocket carrying the UAE spacecraft hurtling into space.

According to him, the impact of the launch of the spacecraft on his country is the same as what happened to the United States when Apollo 11 landed on the moon 51 years ago, also on July 20.

“The event was an anchor for an entire generation, stimulating everyone who witnessed it to push further and dream bigger,” Al Amiri told BBC News.

“Today I’m really happy that the children of the Emirates will wake up early on July 20th with their own anchor projects, new realities, new possibilities, enabling them to contribute further and create a bigger impact on the world. world.”

Hope, as the 1.3 tonne probe is called, will travel 500 million kilometers and is scheduled to arrive in the Martian atmosphere in February 2021, which coincides with the 50th anniversary of the creation of the United Arab Emirates.

Hope is specifically designed to study the climate and weather on Mars, but from the data obtained, scientists hope to find answers to so far unsolved mysteries.

Scientists think the surface of Mars once had the ocean as we know it on Earth. But on its way, the planet’s surface then becomes a barren expanse.

Hope is one of three missions to Mars launched this month.

The United States and China will send a research probe that will explore the planet’s surface. Mission preparation has entered the final stage.

Why did the UAE send a satellite to Mars?

Space mission to Mars: Arab nation’s big leap

The UAE has no experience designing and building spacecraft.

In the world, not many countries have this experience, except for America, Russia, the European consortium, and India.

The fact that this year the UAE sent a research probe to Mars shows the country’s “great ambitions” in the Middle East.

Hope was only made in six years with the help of experts from America.

When Hope is in the atmosphere of Mars, it is hoped that new data will be obtained about the atmosphere, climate and weather on this planet.

In particular, scientists hope that with this data they can find answers to a so far unsolved mystery: why the water on Mars’ surface disappeared and is now a barren expanse.

Hope will also be used as an inspiration so that young people in the UAE and in the Arab region are interested in studying science in schools and universities.

This vehicle is an indicator of the UAE’s ambition to no longer depend on oil and gas.

But the mission to Mars is not an easy job. Half of these projects to the Red Planet have ended in failure, a fact Hope project director Omran Sharif is aware of.

“This is a research mission and of course there is a risk of failure.”

“Even so, failure should not interfere with progress. What is important is the capacity and capability gained from the UAE from this mission; the knowledge that can be gained from this program,” he explained.

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